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mercoledì 24 marzo 2010

Oscar Romero e il martirio continuo: massacro dei cecchini durante i funerali

Snipers from the National Army fire from the top of buildings during Romero's funeral in 1980 in the central San Salvador park. And yes, this is how OUR people suffered, thanks in part to the US' involvement in Salvadorian affairs! The US supported the then-bloodthirsty junta with financial aid and arms. They only stopped helping the Salvadorian junta after the 4 nuns were murdered, only to resume their aid a few days later. The US has been responsible for literally millions of deaths throughout the 20th century via illegal coups, establishing dictatorships in 3rd world countries and CIA-backed private wars. dall'Autore nella pagina del video
Grazie a Greg50 che ci ha ricordato l'anniversario del martirio di O. Romero

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